8 Dirty Spots in Your Kitchen You’re Ignoring

Out of all the rooms in your home, your kitchen is most likely one of the rooms that gets the most attention. Even if you arrange for home cleaning help from Greenapple House Cleaning once a week or every other week, you’ll still spend some time cleaning on your own in this room. You may […]


Spring Cleaning Your Bedroom 2014

Spring cleaning lists have the tendency to grow into monstrous projects that never get completed. We have found that it is much more effective to split your spring cleaning up into rooms and take on one room per day. Today we are going to talk about spring cleaning an adult’s bedroom (we will be talking […]


Tips for Preparing for Our Pre-Cleaning Assessment

Regardless how independent and self-confident you are, there are times when you need to reach out for a little help. Maybe your hours at work have increased, you entertain frequently, or you’re just too busy wrangling the kids to worry about taking care of that layer of dust accumulating on the baseboards. Whatever the reason, […]


Tips for Cleaning Those Tricky Areas Around the House

Making the decision to deep clean your house doesn’t seem like a big commitment. It isn’t until your two hours in that you realize how dirty your house actually is, and how time consuming cleaning it can be. We tend to think that the part that takes the longest is cleaning all the little nooks […]
