Top 4 Worst Home Odors and How to Get Rid of Them

As homeowners, we all want our homes to smell fresh and lovely. Sometimes, however, no matter how much we scrub and clean, odors still remain. They are often attached to certain objects, like the garbage disposal or washing machine, and are hard to get rid of.

Many products are available today to rid our homes of these odors. The only problem is, they are filled with toxic chemicals no one wants around their home. Luckily, there are some quick and easy natural ways to deal with these unpleasant scents, and we’re happy to share them with you.

Getting Rid of Unpleasant Odors

The Washing Machine

Let’s talk laundry for just a second. Have you noticed that lately your washer seems to have a moldy scent? Sometimes it might be mild, but other times it may be so strong that when you take a load out of the machine, your clothes smell like mold. This is common with front load washers. Although they are energy efficient, they aren’t able to clean themselves like a traditional washer can, which allows grime and detergent to build up. This build up can easily prevent certain areas of the washer from drying out when its not in use, which results in mold. So how do you solve it?

  • Don’t leave wet laundry in the washer, even overnight.
  • Leave the door to the washer and the dispenser open slightly when you’re done with the laundry. This will allow these areas to dry out completely.
  • Use liquid laundry detergents instead of powers. Powder detergent doesn’t always dissolve properly and can result in buildup.
  • If you need to use a liquid fabric softener, go natural. Hydrogen peroxide works just as well as those store bought cleaners, sans chemicals.
  • In a spray bottle, combine warm water and white distilled vinegar in equal parts. Use a micro fiber cloth and this spray to clean the inside of the washer at least once a week. If you want your washer to smell good, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil.

Garbage Disposals

What goes down your garbage disposal? If your family is like most, the answer is almost everything. Over time, all those items can lead to unpleasant odors that seem to reach every area of your home. While cleaners are available at the store, these commercial products generally contain harmful chemicals you don’t want anywhere near your dishes. Clean and deodorize naturally with these home cleaning tips.

  • Peel an orange or a lemon and put the peel down the garbage disposal. Run it for a few minutes. The peel from either of the fruits will kill bacteria that causes odors and dissolve any food buildup.
  • Mix ½ cup hot white vinegar and ½ cup baking soda and pour it down the garbage disposal. Let it sit for at least five minutes, and then pour hot water down the disposal. If the food residue is bad, you may need to do this more than once.
  • Freeze white distilled vinegar in ice cube trays and then put the ice cubes down the disposal. While the blades are breaking up the ice, the vinegar will clean the disposal and the blades.

Trash Cans

Chances are, you don’t normally think about your trash until it’s overflowing or is causing unpleasant odors in your home. Nagging your teenager or husband to take out the trash more often will solve the first problem, but what about those pesky odors?

  • Always use gloves when cleaning out your trash can. It is full of bacteria you don’t want on your skin.
  • Remove as much buildup as possible with a microfiber cloth, then hose the can out to remove the first layer of grime.
  • Poor hot water into the bottom of the can and then add two cups of white distilled vinegar. Use a long handled brush to swirl the vinegar solution around and scrub the sides. Let this sit for thirty minutes before dumping it out. You can then rinse and dry the can.
  • To prevent odors from building up again, place a thin layer of kitty litter at the bottom of the trash can or a layer of baking soda. You can also dump baking soda directly into your trash to absorb odors.

The Cat Box

While over time you may become used to the smell of your litter box, guests who come to visit will notice the odor right away. You don’t want to get rid of your cats, or live your life without friends, so what do you do? Here are a few natural solutions.

  • Add baking soda to the litter mix. The cats won’t mind and the baking soda absorbs the scents of urine and feces easily.
  • Change the litter box often. Don’t let it become too full that the baking soda can no longer work well. Add it to your home cleaning routine so it becomes a habit.
  • About once a week, take the time to really clean the litter box. Spray it down with the hose first and remove as much grime as possible. Then combine some hot water and white distilled vinegar and let it sit in the box for at least thirty minutes. Rinse thoroughly with hot water and let it dry before replacing the litter.

Are you tired of dealing with all these unpleasant odors in your home? If you don’t have the energy or time to clean, call Greenapple House Cleaning. We’ll make sure every inch of your home is spotless and those nasty, unpleasant odors are eliminated. Call Greenapple House Cleaning today.

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